Monday, October 3, 2011

the morning walkers

If you have not been a regular one for morning walks I suggest you do become one. It will open up a hitherto unknown perspective on all the people you know. Irrespective of how they behave in life otherwise morning walkers have pretty distinctive styles of behavior early in the morning. Just to help you have a better understanding I have classified them into different kinds and yes given them names too. Now you just have to go out there spot them and slot them!!!!
There is this breed of morning walkers who strut about in their latest jogging tracks. I call them 'the professionals'. The threads will be puma…. headband wristband in place. The shoes will be serious too especially designed for running jogging or whatever it is they are trying to do!!!…..i pod headphones stuck inside their ears, sometimes a timer strapped to their wrist and a sipper….sorry a branded sipper in the hand. They run, jog, walk in a world of their own, the other walkers are just mere hindrances to be suffered. They are there because they mean business.
Then there are 'the socialite walkers' they come to the tracks only to exchange hi’s and hello’s, a peck here and a hug there. They stroll about a bit and catch up on the latest gossip about last night's do. Their work done they saunter off at a leisurely pace.
 The most dangerous of the lot is 'the ambush walker'. His only purpose is to catch your eye, begin with a casual hello and completely take over your walk. He wants to walk with you, talk with you, even wants to know what music is playing on your ipod!!! He wants to take over and that’s his modus operandi!!! You may wear your shades and run in the opposite direction but it does not deter him for he my dear friend is made of sterner stuff
'The yoga fanatic walker' is only there to let the lesser enlightened mortals like you and me know what we are missing out on. He walks less, stretches out in various gravity defying postures more!!!! He sneers at your feeble attempt to lose weight by simply walking. Yoga is a way of life he says. Damned be the fact that you do not want that way or that life!!!
'The energetic arm swinger' is another. His concentration is not so much on walking as it is on swinging those arms. It’s best to walk at a safe distance from these ‘swingers’ because at times their arms threaten to swing right out of their sockets. They are ‘armed’ and dangerous believe me!!!!
While walking you will also come across the disembodied sound of laughter emanating from some shady corner of the tracks. It’s 'the comedy circus walkers'. They stand and laugh en masse. It’s a daunting sight to say the least. I secretly feel they idolize archana puran singh and try to see who can laugh as loud and as much as her and without a reason too!!! Pretty harmless lot this but there are mornings which you are feeling particularly grumpy and yes you do get the urge to strangle them.
That’s all for now. Will come up with a few more in my next post……happy walking folks!!!


  1. nicely put enjoyable piece....I used to make similar observations on my morning walk routine back in Delhi...true the walkers can be categorized according to their ''on walk-behavior''and it is very interesting. I remember being irked by the arm swingers who wouldn't let anyone pass with their persistent actions and even those who walked nosy dogs around- i mean walking your dog is fine but not on the jogging track where you have to maneuver past their sniffing noses..... more often than not the walking path used to resemble an obstacle course!!!

  2. hahaha....loved it Taz :-D
    seems you are out walking these days?? good for you!
    as for me walking was a lotta fun esp when i was in Noida...
    and you have put it very well- there are ALL these categories and more and observing them was a good way to pass time while walking!
    look forward to more posts!
