Monday, February 13, 2012

whats love got to do with it???

Ok so it’s that time of the year again folks when suddenly you are engulfed in a pink shimmery haze of mass love driven hysteria. You cannot escape it…..the movie cinemas are full of mushy new releases, the newspapers talk of broken hearts, relationships and little else. Something that was once confined to a single day of madness now extends to a week replete with days like chocolate day, propose day etc. yes really!!!! If you have the same perplexed expression that I do then welcome to the fold my friend for we just do not understand the circus surrounding this st.valentine whosoever it was!! As it is I think the poor guy must be turning in his grave seeing the catastrophe he has wrought by his innocuous actions. What did he do?? Well apparently….and yes even this is unsubstantiated he was a priest who just got some star crossed lovers married and got thrown into jail for his efforts if you please!!
So now as this day looms you cannot walk two steps without being bombarded visually with one or many heart shapes. They jump out from magazines, newspapers, television and shops. Big hearts, small hearts, quirky and scrawny hearts…all different colors assail your senses. There are the absolutely horrendous over stuffed ones which proclaim ‘I love you’…..ummm I definitely do not! Let’s not forget the color scheme….it has to be either pink or red…..yes no other color will do!  Barbara Cartland would have had a field day she with her pink fetish which extended to her candy floss pink hair!!
This is just one miniscule part of an industry thriving on the testosterone driven feelings of the youth. There are mammoth cards over flowing with sentimental blabber….stuffed teddy bears (somebody stop me!!)…chocolates….and roses... yes bunches of roses... long stemmed and red….because its love right?? Ok do not get me wrong here and think I’m some crabby woman who hates all the lovers out there I’m not and I do not!! I think it’s wonderful if you are in love and it’s beautiful if you can express it in words and gestures however small. But I do not understand the growing need people have for being over effusive and denting their bank balance in the process just to prove the strength of their feelings. If its there you don’t have to prove it!!
So yes call me a cynic if you will but I feel that the hype has done more to take away from the emotions than give it anything. When all you can think of is how expensive a gift you can buy…..and are under immense pressure to live up to expectations….where’s the time to actually say what you feel? And even if you do the words will be lost in the glitzy shine of the valentine hoopla!
To give the romantic ones their due it probably gives them a chance to express things that they do not get to the whole year round…..but will someone explain why this one day? Am still waiting for some answers here…..anyone?

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