Monday, December 12, 2011


Hate it, love it but you just can’t ignore it. That juicy bit of gossip. That odd bit of scandal. You may put on your oh -so -superior look and try to walk past but it will linger on in your mind. What is it about other peoples business that is so tempting? Why have we become so addicted to minding other peoples business rather than our own?
Call it a boon or a bane but since the advent of the technologically enhanced era things are really looking up for the voyeur!!! Gone are the days when privacy was still an option and scandalous gossip was restricted to movie magazines. Today all and sundry are out in their Sunday best washing dirty laundry on national network! And do we love it .We are horrified by the lengths people go to on reality TV but yes ,we did watch it in order to be as horrified as we profess we are!!!! The most talked about reality shows are the ones which have the participants humiliating themselves by fighting with and abusing the other participants on the show. They make a public spectacle of themselves. The TRP’s go soaring. The producers are laughing all the way to the bank. The audience is glued to their tellies and lapping it all up. Everyone’s happy!
The net surfer has found a new vocation too. He can happily trash people and their views without ever coming out in to the open. He sends hate mails leaves rude comments and generally makes a nuisance of himself safe in the confines of his online name. He gives the term freedom of expression a whole new meaning.
 The new networking sites are a voyeur’s paradise. You can look into people’s lives from the comfort of your home. Relationship changes are advertised across the entire community. You can be ‘engaged’,’ married’, ‘in a relationship’ or stick to ‘it’s complicated’ when you don’t know where you stand!!! You want to break up and make sure everyone knows?? Well you just change your status to single and it’s flashed onto every one of your friends news feed. A single click is all that’s required. The voyeur’s never had it so good!
 Even as we raise our eyebrows every time a reality show degrades a participant further we have to admit we are part of this circus too. As spectators sitting on the sidelines and watching every bit of it with avid curiosity. Oh yes we will make all the appropriate noises, sympathise even. But we are guilty of enjoying a certain degree of malicious pleasure at someone’s misfortune. We are the voyeurs behind the mask.

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