That time of the year has gone by, when we drunk on the good
fortune of making it past another doomsday prediction promised to make some
worthwhile changes in our lives. The resolutions have been made and I’m sure by
now broken! So I think it’s a great time to actually make some new ones. A few
commandments which are the need of the hour, even though we do not take to
being commanded kindly!!! Here’s how I think it should go……………
Thou shalt not judge people
If God wanted us to be same in thought and ideas I really don’t
think He would have taken so many pains to shape our personalities. It would
have been so much more convenient and time saving to let us be clones of each other!
Imagine the scenario we all look the same, think like automatons, agree on
everything…..heck it would be perfect right?? Naah I think we’d all die of
boredom…. So this year lets try not to judge people by either the choices they
make in life, what ideologies they have, what they choose to do and how they go
about doing it. We all our entitled to our opinions and may we be given sense
to let others be….for better or for worse!!
Thou shalt not be a cynic
Life is beautiful….. it’s precious…..and one day we shall realize
its all too fleeting!! We spend half of it learning from our failings and the
rest being cynical because we feel it’s such a big bad world out there. Cynicism
is just a way of hiding from all that we feel is wrong, our insecurities, our
fears…..but I don’t think they are going to go anywhere. Let’s try and face
things rather than tip toe around them….. try to give it all we can…. try to treat each year as our last….the Mayans be damned!!!!
Thou shalt not put relationships into slots
On life’s journey we are destined to meet people who change
our lives…..we usually walk a while with them, laugh with them and move on. we with our over sized egos and a truckload of expectations put an enormous burden on our relationships. we second guess,over analyze and treat each such relationship as if its an amoeba on a petri dish.Let’s try to not slot
each of these relationships under specific pre conceived terms and ruin the beauty.
Thou shalt not regret
Each and every incident in our lives…..good or bad has
eventually made us the person that we are. That sounds heavy……aah anyway to
continue with that thought…. Regretting things is like doubting the very
credibility of all that makes you….YOU!!so lets not waste any more time on regrets....
so here i am sounding more and more like a new age guru......i think i should have another commandment for myself.: Thou shalt not dish out platitudes!!!so long folks!!!
awesomely written-great job girl!